Our wide range of furnaces for heat treatment of metals can be extended with a large selection of accessories to suit to the specific application.

Protective Gas Boxes for Heat Treatment in Protective Gas
By using protective gas boxes, annealing furnaces, forced convection furnaces and pit-type furnaces can be upgraded for heat treatment processes under non-flammable protective and reactive gases.

Annealing Boxes
Annealing boxes are filled with powder or granules into which the charge is placed. Processes like soldering can be carried out in an inexpensive manner.

Complete Workshop Hardening Systems
The Nabertherm compact hardening systems consist of a hardening furnace, a tempering furnace, a quenching and cleaning bath. They can be used for various heat treatment processes in the workshop.

Quenching and Cleaning Baths 
Baths for quenching in oil or water as well as for cleaning and degreasing are available as single or double baths and are made of stainless steel.

Auxiliary Materials for Better Charge Results 
Hardening foils, annealing bags, granulate

Protective Equipment 
Gloves, face and body protection